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Happy People: sales manager Titus Bertrums


Trade and textiles have been interwoven with Titus Bertrums' life from a young age. As the 4th generation of family-run business B&B Fabrics, he has been the face of sales for many years. Our Sales Manager is always on a quest for a good relationship. Whether it concerns colleagues, business contacts, or clients, he creates a good bond everywhere. Because as he says himself: “You want to build trust, on a business level, as well as a personal level. Only then do you get that sense of family.” And Titus still enjoys that every day. Time to get to know B&B's familar face a little better.


Titus grew up with textiles. As the child of entrepreneurs with a wholesale business, his love for sales was triggered at a young age. He played in the warehouse and sold plums on the street. After his studies, he worked in Australia and New Zealand for 15 months. He then established Titex, his own agency, and worked as an agent for B&B. He always had a passion for sales. “Helping people is what makes me happy. Identifying what someone needs, and then offering them exactly that. Operating that way gives me a lot of energy.” So the textile trade is really in his genes.

As Sales Manager, Titus plays an important role in the development of collections and he is a trusted face for many clients at trade fairs and on client visits. “Interaction with clients is what I enjoy most. I get a good sense of people, adapt to them, and act quickly. You come into contact with different types of people in sales. I see myself as a key figure who fits all kinds of locks, so to speak. I adapt, refine, and exploit what works best. I enjoy interacting with people that way.” And precisely that is the key to building a bond of trust. In other words, an essential part of the B&B Fabrics family.

Titus derives satisfaction from doing business ethically. Business contacts are always paramount for him. “I deal with everyone personally and communicate openly and honestly. Because you always win by doing business ethically. Because if you are one, you don't give up. Then you get ‘Be Once’ instead of ‘Be One’. That means you are always alert and have an answer ready. That is what I strive for, even if I don't know the answer. Then I say I cannot answer the question now and will find out. I remain honest that way.” Titus is therefore always ready to act based on sincerity. That is what touches his clients.

Titus Bertrums


Titus is also described as a walking database. With his many years of experience, he has gained a great deal of knowledge of the market, as well as knowledge of human nature. He is still always on the hunt for the latest developments, so keeps a close eye on his environment. “I gather a great deal of information in my work and try to pick up a little everywhere. It is similar to data collection, but on a personal level. Whether it is in the company, at a trade fair, or in a personal conversation. I pick up a great deal by always keeping my eyes and ears open.” This attentive salesperson therefore operates deftly in the field for which he has so much passion. He is always focused on his goal: making people happy.

Titus enjoys continuing the quest in his spare time. “Hunting, that is something I enjoy a great deal. Ideally, spotting wildlife while out in nature. I take my sons of 5 and 7 along with me.” Titus loves nature and enjoys the simple things in life. He doesn't need much more besides. Enjoying the company of his wife, children and dog.  “Being outdoors in the fresh air. Walking, pottering in the garden, playing Mario Kart with the children. Or just enjoying an ice cream. Simply enjoying what is. I appreciate that and that is how I raise my children. Enjoying things together lies in precisely those little moments.”



The face of B&B Fabrics also derives much satisfaction from his work. Sales doesn't feel like work for this enterprising spirit, it is part of his life. He grew up with it and it will always play an important role. “Trade and textiles are a way of life for me. If you look at what has been developed in recent years, I am grateful for what we create together. Our dad enjoys it too, he still pops in every day. It is and always will be interwoven with our lives.” In other words, a passionate textile family, of which Titus is happy to be a part for a long time to come.

As far as the future of B&B Fabrics, Titus wants to uphold the family name. For now, the focus is on further development in Europe. “We want to grow. Our ambition is to be in every living room and for people to say: ‘Hey, fabric from B&B!’ You have to be ready for that and I enjoy working towards that every day.” So Titus is completely ready for this quest.